Use "posse|posses" in a sentence

1. Discretione Affirmationem inierunt non posse constare» (11)

2. The posse are pursuing the thief.

3. Abominationz - (featuring Insane Clown Posse) 12

4. Sure as Hell ain't no posse.

5. I was hanging with my posse.

6. Send word to Stillwater's posse.

7. A posse of Marshals ambushed us.

8. I was surrounded by a posse of photographers.

9. The posse beat the countryside for the fugitive.

10. The posse rode down the escaping bank robber.

11. A bodacious banteror and a mainstay of the Banterous Orite x posse

12. This guest already took out an entire posse.

13. Plants posses homeostasis mechanisms to minimize the damage from exposure to heavy metal stress.

14. Twiztid - Abominationz CD Moxoxide Cover insane clown posse psychopathic records

15. You must be crazy comin'in here to raise a posse.

16. I posses all possible powers that has been acumulated since the first living organism.

17. Unless your face also does a-a Clown Posse thing,

18. Plasticity: Soil Colloidal particles may present in gel condition posses the property of plasticity

19. He was on foot, wounded, with a full Cossack posse up his ass.

20. SHERIFF: We'd been combing the countryside the biggest posse I could round up.

21. All Arthropods posses an exoskeleton, bi-lateral symmetry, jointed appendages, segmented bodies, and specialized appendages

22. He wears tattoos and cornrows and bandanas and travels with his posse.

23. The sheriff rounded up a posse and went after the bank robbers.

24. 7 All his posse friends were psychos, deranged misfits who were cruel for kicks.

25. Backswimmers are "true" bugs (so-called because they posses certain features, like a piercing mouthpart)

26. But after the bandits' escape through the chimney, the posse eventually tracked them down.

27. Louisiana’s Courthouses are among the states most valuable resources and posses-sions that often go unappreciated

28. An ex-Texas Ranger named Harry Love organized a posse that scoured the state.

29. Fox - One who will use all thatmay posses of sagacity, wit or wisdom in his own defense.

30. If we ride in the open, there's enough posses over in South Missouri to start another war.

31. At any rate, the males leave their parties and come together in a posse.

32. Street lamp light crouchs posse , resemble brushy balloon, wave in the sky in grey indigo color.

33. Each time she went out in her distinctive red Metro she was followed by a press posse.

34. This Tank Girl-style posse is only seven months old, but already it has grown beyond the founders' wildest dreams.

35. All rooms posses air conditioning so that your can enjoy your stay in all different types of atmospheric conditions.

36. The disgraced minister walked swiftly from the car to his house pursued by a whole posse of reporters.

37. Joy in living can never be assumed as a posse or put on as a mask.

38. To Constitute an extraditable crime there must have been abandonment of a child in esse not merely in posse

39. You don't share with strangers, so prices get progressively cheaper the more there are in your posse.

40. A good example of Amphibology is the answer of the oracle to Pyrrhus: “Aio te Romanos vincere posse.” 6.

41. 25 Then they would sell them to posses from a garage on Bruckner Boulevard that doubled as a muffler repair shop.

42. Abominationz Feat Insane Clown Posse: A slow plodding beat allows the verses to stand out, in a good way

43. They were astride a single horse, tied back to back, being led along a skyline by the sheriff's posse.

44. Anthropocentrism literally means human-centered, but in its most relevant philosophical form it is the ethical belief that humans alone posses s intrinsic value.

45. The young boy was running down the road towards Martin with a posse of four helpers close behind.

46. When I ain't got no blood-in-the-eye posse running up my backside then she can do what she wants.

47. Abominationz Feat Insane Clown Posse: A slow plodding beat allows the verses to stand out, in a good way

48. Crystallizations of pharmaceutical active ingredients, particularly those that posses multiple polymorphic forms, are among the most critical and least understood pharmaceutical manufacturing processes

49. —Si quis dixerit, propter hæresim, aut molestam Cohabitationem, aut affectatam absentiam a conjuge, dissolvi posse matrimonii vinculum : anathema sit

50. At valde quis erraverit qui communes christianos putaverit Acquiescere posse in oratione quadam levi ac transeunte, quae eorum nequeat vitam complere

51. Venus Adverting consists of top-tier email, display, search, contextual, SEO, and social media publishers which posses the power of generating sales through a performance-based platform.

52. Huiusmodi donationem, concessionem, Assignationem et investituram nos­ tram nulli christiano principi ius quesitum sublatum intelligi posse aut auferri debere 6

53. Ritchie quickly handed him his three wads of money and walked away, the rest of the posse falling in behind him.

54. A posse led by a Lieutenant Moore fired, without provocation, on a large hunting party of Aboriginal men, women, and children—killing and wounding many.

55. Hence, a person is said to be A live wire when he appears to be a very energetic one, just like A live wire which posses electrical energy

56. As the Alkanes posses weak Van Der Waals forces, the first four members, to are gases, to are liquids and those containing 18 carbon atoms or more are solids at 298 K.

57. Charr also posses a total of four ears: the two on top have adapted to sense sounds at a higher frequency, the lower pair performing the opposite, being more sensitive to low-frequency sounds

58. Benzidine (4,4′-Diaminobiphenyl) is an environmental genotoxin that posses increased risks of cancer to exposed people. Benzidine may be used as a reference material in procedures that analyze for Benzidine

59. 5 This " gnomic " seem to circulate very long, academic basis is " the distance produces the United States " , alleged far see a flower, see posse hemp nearly.

60. A good example of Amphibology is the answer of the oracle to Pyrrhus: “Aio te Romanos vincere posse.” Here te and Romanos may either of them be the

61. The Balunda are commonly called the ‘batikitia ekulu’ in Bukusu language; meaning those with power over the heavens.You might call them the rain makers for it is believed that they posses supernatural powers to postpone or bring rain.

62. Bavarians Barry Brust's Team ; Blossey Posse ; DV Oilers ; LeafsNation ; Night Train ; Puck Norris ; Rooter Rejects ; SNAKES ; Spokane Ass Wrangler --hidden-- Since '07; 3 rd Place 6-3-0; Total Points 3,381.50; Points/Week 375.72

63. Accustomed to imposing his will " on his human and mechanical tools , " he imagines he can posses Kumudini merely because she is his wife , but soon discovers that though he can possess her body , the real she eludes his grasp .

64. An, ratione habita sive vitae condicionum, quae nunc sunt, sive significationis, quam maritales Amplexus quoad concordiam mutuamque fidelitatem coniugum habent, normas morales, quae hodie obtinent, recognoscere non conveniat, si praesertim reputetur, eas nonnisi per gravia incommoda, aliquando fortissimis viris digna, servari posse.

65. Americanize (Amer.) adresna sabirnica creuset inequality licker slitstark cloth hoitamaton me divide smatra se fishbone sortokorjaus bas port wine bramosia inactivity a stop verbandstapelen Toggle Case Key dental laboratory bock zakres misprint rentability posses Water bed ausmessend estottomasti logaritje, kalkulim activation record flat-mate

66. Gno corpore in minus Attractionem earundem; Inveniuntur alii, ꝙ quod plumbificũ plumbificum lapidem ex Saturni sulfurea aurâ in Mercurium vulgi donec inde coaguletur, infusa & et retentâ, fieri posse dicant, qui Mer- curium communem continuè convertat in plumbum.

67. Sonic founded a cursed ring, this ring containded Executor, a demon that almost Bringed the apocalypse.Executor brakes the seal and posses Sonic and uses him to end what he started millions of years ago.Now Tails, Knuckles, and Eggman must stop him and recover Sonic

68. (149) Translating canon 5 as Tanner and HC do is not precluded by the Latin text: "Si quis dixerit, propter haeresim, aut molestam Cohabitationem, aut affectatam absentiam a coniuge dissolvi posse matrimonii vinculum: a.s." However, three considerations do preclude that translation.

69. Example sentences with "Aversus", translation memory add example la (25) Nemo unus patiatur, quod Deus avertat , in se cadere posse severam illam sententiam, qua olim Arsiensis Parochus oves suas reprehendebat: «Quam multi reconditam asservant pecuniam suam, cum tot egeni fame pereant».

70. Mertens.) cognoscendam Attractionem , quam duae massae m, m', viribus secundum legein Newtonianam agentibus praeditae, altera in alteram, exerceant, determinandas esse sex quantitates easque omnes exprimi posse constat per quotientes differentiales unius functionis a sex constantibus pendentis, quibus situs alterius massae respectu alterius determinetur

71. Conscientia igitur Apostolici officii cum moneamur, ut dominicum gregem perniciosis ne sinamus circumveniri fallaciis, vestram, Venerabiles Fratres, in cavendum eiusmodi malum diligentiam advocamus; confidimus enim, per scripta et verba cuiusque vestrum posse facilius et ad populum pertingere et a populo intellegi quae mox principia et rationes